Coming soon – Global PechaKucha Night on September 20, 2013
PechaKucha Global Night – Friday, Sept. 20, 2013
1 night, 100s of cities, 1,000s of presentations.
From PechaKucha HQ in Tokyo:
PechaKucha Global Night will be the night we all get together virtually around the world to inspire one another with great presentations. It will be a chance to celebrate with the whole PechaKucha family around the world.
This year’s theme: Hidden Heroes
The idea with this Global Night is to give ourselves a chance to celebrate our city! We’re not saying all of the presentations on September 20 need to follow that theme, but it’s a good opportunity to dig into our community, and give those “Hidden Heroes” a chance to shine.
Who makes Springfield run? It could be the team that clean your office windows, it could a be local pilot or air traffic controller. People who don’t normally get a chance to tell people what they do, but have an interesting story to tell. Officials, planners, artists, architects are welcome too.
PechaKucha Global Events are the one time in the year we get to bang our collective drum all on the same day (or night) to create awareness about the PechaKucha creative network, not only in our city but globally!
100 cities and counting…
The great news is that over 100 cities are joining the evening, 100 events on one night all abound the world — how amazing is that! It really is going to make for an INCREDIBLE NIGHT!
The “global wave” with run for about 20 hours — and will be essentially a “telethon” linking up with all the cities taking part. In a Google Hangout “room” there will be hosts from PechaKucha HQ, who will lead the conversations with organizers as they drop into the room at the appointed time.
We have planned PechaKucha IX to be held outside the ideaXfactory with the rain location at RuBert Studios, so stay tuned for more details coming soon!
If you would like a present a Hidden Hero or would like to suggest someone you want to see featured, please email PechaKucha Springfield.
If you are curious about previous presentations, here are some on YouTube: